A collaborative movement to improve how the media Reports on Addiction

Reporting on Addiction is a collaboration of addiction science experts, professional journalists and journalism educators who want to improve the way we’re Reporting on Addiction. We offer trainings for professional and student newsrooms and addiction science experts, research-based reporting resources, an experts database (that will actually respond to your inquiries), and a network of media professionals who share a passion to decrease stigma and improve the media’s portrayal of addiction and recovery.

Nominations Open! Excellence in Recovery Journalism Award

The Excellence in Recovery Journalism Award is a collaboration between Reporting on Addiction and Faces & Voices of Recovery. This award aims to highlight journalism that accurately and empathetically illuminates recovery from addiction and substance use.

Nominate yourself or someone else for the 2025 Award by March 31!

Register Now for Our 2025 Journalism Educator Summer Training

Join our cohort of journalism educators across the country who are teaching Reporting on Addiction materials in their classrooms or student newsrooms today!

Covering Opioid Lawsuit Settlements in Your Community ?

We’re helping journalists cover the millions of dollars being distributed to communities as the result of litigation against opioid manufacturers, distributors and pharmacies.

We’re here to help!

We train professional and students newsrooms, addiction science experts, community advocates, and people with lived experience on how to improve journalism and build relationships. Work with our team today!

Download Our Style Guides for Ethical Coverage

Our one-page style guides help you navigate ethical reporting on addiction – both in your writing and your visuals. Review a simple checklist that will improve your stories from start to finish.

Need a source?

We created a searchable database of experts through training and experts through experience who are ready to talk to you today.

Find experts for your articles here!

Experts: Apply here to join our growing national database.

Need a visual for a story?

We created a database of curated photos that aren’t distressing for someone with a substance use disorder and have a thoughtful, empathic point of view.

Coming soon!

Produced by Kierstin Lindkvist

Improve Your Reporting

Are you a journalist? Here are five quick things you can do to improve your reporting on addiction today.

Want to learn more? Sign up here to receive the latest news and tips from Reporting on Addiction directly in your inbox!